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The work shown below is a part of my graduate thesis work at the Yale School of Architecture. I am continuing to address many of the ideas presented here in my ongoing work.


As a drawing project, this thesis explored how memory, despite inherent tensions and contradictions, allows us to operate in our world. Often the misalignments between memory and the real world are overlooked but drawing from memory forces the issues forward. The inherent tension between drawings and reality can be another means to think about and conceptualize architectural space.


There is a thin line between remembering and inventing. This boundary influences how we draw and how we read drawings. Our brains process imagery in particular ways, seeking to synthesize the drawing elements into a whole even if it is made of many complex and even contradictory components. Similarly, when one thinks of a memory image it can seem complete, but the act of drawing brings forth contradictions or incomplete spots in the memory image, encouraging imagination and invention to fill in the gaps.


Architectural drawing conventions can be used to map the reading of a drawing, revealing the perception of pictorial space within a drawing. Using convention in this way can show a multiplicity of outcomes within a single image. This multiplicity captures and even embraces the uncertainty also found in memory images, allowing for a drawing, just like a memory image, to stimulate the mind's natural capacity for invention.


Special thanks to Aniket Shahane, Kyle Dugdale, and Sunil Bald for their support and guidance throughout the project. 



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